Wednesday 21 March 2012

New Gerrit and Jenkins styles are live

After a bit of tweaking and improvements following feedback from various people the new changes to Jenkins and Gerrit are now live. The changes will also be rolled out onto Stackforge in the next 24 hours.

I've had a lot of great feedback in the few hours the changes have been live, many love it and some have suggestions for improvements. This is great, we know the look could use a bit of refining here and there. What makes this truly awesome is that the styles are kept in an OpenStack project with which anyone can file bugs or send patches up to Gerrit.

To modify the styles simply grab the openstack-ci-puppet repo and look in the Gerrit and Jenkins modules for the files. If you wish to file a bug, please do so in the OpenStack CI bugs page.

Thanks again for the great feedback so far. Hopefully this has made the lives of many of you that little bit easier (or at least stop your eyes bleeding).

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